- Fast, non toxic, non irritant fumigation / disinfection.
- Highly effective alternate to formalin fumigation.
- Validated for microbial decontamination.
- Economical.
- Injectable's
Production Area, Packaging & filling Areas
Research & Life-Science
Tissue Culture Units
Microbiological Labs QC & QA Labs
Storage Tank/ CIP
Requires No Rinsing
Highly Effective
Virosil Pharma is a revolutionary, eco-friendly, non-toxic disinfectant and fumigant (aerosol) for use in Pharmaceutical Companies, Hospitals, Life Science Research Units and Micro Labs. Virosil Pharma is a patented formulation manufactured in India in technical collaboration with Sanosil AG of Switzerland.
Virosil Pharma has proved to be effective in controlling aerial bacteria ahd fungus present in sterile rooms for injectables, tablets and formulation manufacturing facilities.
Virosil Pharma is also very effective in disinfection of all critical surfaces that comes in contact with Pharma product. Instruments, bottles and caps can be easily disinfected using a 5 % solution. There is no requirement to re-wash equipments and surfaces disinfected with Virosil Pharma,
Virosil Pharma's unique properties make it non-mutangenic and very effective in removing Biofilms in water distribution systems and has attained highest standard of hygiene when used for CIP and Loop system disinfection.
Our disinfectant is being used by leading USFDA approved Pharma Companies in India and has been thoroughly tested by the German Society for Hygiene & Microbiology, Food & Drug Administration (MS), Public Health Department of Switzerland and by various Healthcare Departments of Western Europe, Australia & the Middle East.